Monday, November 30, 2009

I feel my phone vibrate when it doesn't
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Geneveevaavoo (Genevieve hahaha)'s entry made me think and reflect alot. I can just reflect and reflect and reflect and do the same thing over and over again but nothing will happen. Am I someone hard to please? I still can't stop blaming myself to take things for granted, even the minor or slightest things. "Celeste yeo good things you take advantage take for granted don't cherish, opportunities you let them slip by your hands now no more already then you come and cry loser leh you" That picture above rlly speaks alot about me hahaha suprisingly it does. I think my english makes people laugh out loud. Aiya my life is still difficult la my mum can't stop rubbing in too. Time made me realise that the small stupid things that happen last time is no big fuck lor. I've been through bigger fucks. I feel like studying now, stupid or stupid or stupid? Emo elmo paragraph.....................
Friday, November 27, 2009

I love you
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Deprived of food
People who steal my possession
Being disappointed
Losing my grip
My parents when they get on my nerves
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am such a miserable fuck and everything is so fucking unfair to me.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Buibui keeps slping!!! Okay everybody's kinda excited about it somehow, except for my mom. Woah I'm having sorethroat and its damn bad damn pain I think I'm gonna get throat cancer or something :O Don't let it sore badly, I'll have fever after that. I'll nurse my illness at home tmrw, am not going anywhere. Oh btw takecare enonne I'm sick too! :> Oh yeah there's no piano next tuesday!!! Hopefully I'll recover by prom.
Miss baby still alot ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Monday, November 16, 2009

• me still (L) you k! HAHA
[Shar!] My new boyfriend is called Maksim. He cost 138 bucks. says (12:21 AM):
• (L)
• me lub you too!
Celeste says (12:22 AM):
• hehe gonna post this love love thing! HAHAHAHHAHA
[Shar!] My new boyfriend is called Maksim. He cost 138 bucks. says (12:22 AM):
• machiam lesbian alr hehehe!
Celeste says (12:22 AM):

Woah tomorrow's coming, I've already prepared Buibui's house! But one thing, I've gotta survive piano lesson tomorrow night first!!! WOAH FUCK MAN PIANO'S GONNA TAKE UP HALF AND HOUR OF MY PENGUIN DADDY. Always have to ruin me like that. I've got to survive tmrw! And maybe show her Buibui? Hehe! Hopefully I get a baby Buibui, easier to let it adapt!
Samantha shiok, she's gonna do facial b4 we have lunch together! Hehe can't wait to see you again woman! Lets eat pepperlunch shall we? HAHA IM HUNGRY ALREADY! Okay I miss you alot baby, thissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss much!!! :>
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Okay getting Bui bui on Tuesday instead with Samantha! Tmrw search for Bui bui's house? Haha if not later it got no house to sleep in! Fully packed for the whole of next week except tomorrow, okay I know what to do already hehe :> I wanna get my heels soon Pinhui says I need training, can't wait rlly! Listening to my current favourite hokkien song now!
- Tuesday: Buy buibui
- Wednesday: Study date
- Thursday: Shopping
- Friday: Delibox
- Saturday: Dye hair + pedi
- Sunday: Gai gai after church
- Monday: PROM NIGHT ZOMG + lots of pixx i promise!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My instructor couldn't regconise me today. Okay that's not the point. The point is, today was fun! My long lost love for unagi came back again!!! W/e. Can't wait to look at Samantha's epic face tmrw when she sees my hair. I promised her the shock of her life and she can't wait ^^ Okay I'm dead bored and I'm having insomnia. I borrowed books today excited to read them all!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009

• Chop + highlight hair tmrw with Pinhui
• Sakae with coach vicki + sec 4s CCA batch on Saturday
• Samantha's gonna get the shock of her life on Sunday + pay $ for camp
• Next week hopefully I can start working at Montessori wiv Angeline!
• Prom on 23rd Nov omg :>
I WANNA BUY A HAMSTER SOON. Nearest shops: Lot One/Bpp! AND I NEED TO SWIM SOON TOO. And meetup soon baby missyou!!!!

• Hahah!
• I spent like damn long today
[Shar!] The day we bade farewell to dear Haydn. says (1:11 AM):
• writing letters to people
Celeste says (1:11 AM):
• doing tys?
Q: If you go into a jungle what two animals do you first see?
A: Snakes and birds?
Q: Then you saw a house, is the door open or closed?
A: Closed.
Q: You see a table. What's its shape?
A: Rectangle.
Q: How many chairs are there with the table?
A: 1, too bad.
Q: There are candles on the table, how many are there?
A: 5
Q: Then you went out to see a lake, how many swans are there?
A: 2?
Q: then you see a water fountain, having a scale of 1 to 10 of its strength of water, what would you say?
A: 10?
Q: Then you climbed up onto a hill, what do you say?
A: Wooooooo nice.
Q: Then you see a sunset, use 3 words to describe it.
A: Embracing, warm, lovely.
- the animals represent yourself and your life partner
- the door represents how open you are
- the table signifies if you can think out of the box.
- the chairs are the no. of people you are closest with.
- the candles represent how optimistic you are.
- the swans represent the no. of kids you'll have
- the water fountain shows how pleasurable your sex would be like.
- the words you say after you climb is like the peak of your sex
- last but not least, the sunset shows how the sex would end.
Me and my life partner are like snakes and birds ok wth. The door represents that I'm closed. Obviously I can't think out of the box because my table is rectangle. And haha I'm only close with 1 person. I'm only 5/10 optimistic which is kinda true sometimes. I will only have 2 kids. My sex life is like lol and it will be ridiculous to say "Wooooooo nice." at the peak of it. And I think the last is weird. I can't be more bored than this.
(Adapted from Keren's livejournal.)