First day of school:
I didn't have actual ece lessons, it was interdisciplinary studies class. Really glad to be in the same class Azhar, at least someone I know and from HERSHEYS. I don't really like the people in IS class maybe it's just me but still! My lecturer is awesome and I love her good english~ And she's really nice!!
I'll try to my best for communication & contemporary issues! I've no idea why they give it such a complex name, it's just formal report writing and oral communications. The 4 hours wasn't a great deal. 1-5 I can still manage.
Second day of school:
Met up with Vanesa in the morning as usual! I made a new friend, Ryan! He's my classmate too. Yayyyy we 3 shall be friends forever in T1B4! I have some hilarious classmates, some weirdos like we all know who, and some people who are quite lonely!!We were late and we got quite lost today in the morning. Oh well it's inevitable right?! Please understand all freshies cuz NP's like so many times bigger than our secondary schools I believe! Lunch was even better!! Met up with fellow hersheys and I was damn happy to see dunearnites while walking! :> Yayyyyy.
Imma go do my trigo homework! Byeeeee!
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