Hi I am bored, I can't quit saying that almost everyday. I haven't got any clothes for cny yet!!! I'm gonna hit for town on Wednesdayyyyyyyy. I wanna go back to Dunearn on Friday to look at the cny performances :> Okay I can see a line of fun-packed activities for the week ahead of me. Yknow what I feel like browning my whole hair HAHAHA OMG. Angpaoz come to me ^^
Neither here nor there. Why do we say things we can’t take back? Why do we miss what we never had? Both of us fell to the ground, the love was so lost it couldn’t be found. Why do you tend to forget whose vain? I’m tired of crying out at the sound of your name. Why don’t we turn this around, love ain't the enemy. Don’t you want to be lost then found?
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