You know you're from Singapore when...
- You speak or randomly break out in Singlish
- You crave chicken rice or the various uberlicious hawker foods
- You’re a guy and have no choice about National Service
- You start daydreaming about $2 Nasi Lemaks
- Orchard Road is a byword for fun
- You say rubbish bin and not trash can
- You're intimidated by the thought of a 45 minutes to drive to the nearest mall.
- You're shocked that your ez-link doesn’t work at Mcdonald's around the world
- People ask you what you speak at home and you say 'uhh...'
- You are able to communicate in plethora of languages & dialects
- Swearing in numerous languages & dialects is natural
- You've sung the national anthem since you were in primary 1 and still have no idea what it really means
- There's always a traffic jam near a vehicle accident 'cause everyone slows down to copy numbers for 4D
- Someone asks for the time and your innate response is: “IT’S TIGER TIME!!!”
- Every Christmas, Orchard Road looks more like and more like Deepavali (The Festival of Lights).
Did you laugh? BECAUSE I DID!
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