Y'know I really can't wait for school to start!!! I know I'm definitely not gonna say that once it really starts in April but still! I can't wait to fall in love with electricity all over again LOL. I wonder who my classmates will be!!! 炸雨汤 炸雨汤 炸雨汤 炸雨汤 炸雨汤 FRIED RAIN SOUP HAHAHAHA cannot stop laughing. Ok am gonna go meet Pinhui for lunchie. X
A girl asked a boy if she was pretty.He said no.She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever.He said no.She then asked him if he would cry if she walked away.He said no again.She had heard too much. She needed to leave.As she walked away, he grabbed her arm and told her to stay.He said, "You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don't want to
be with forever, I need to be with you forever. I wouldn't cry if you walked
away, I would die."
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