Photo 1: A not-very-cute-toy from Kinder Joy today :x AN ELEPHANT :O
Photo 2: Something random in my Physics textbook :x
Just came back from CCA. Everyone's quite tan & red and I'm jealous! >:O OKIE IM GONNA EAT EAT COS IM HUNGRY YUMMY WHEE. Bought lots of food home just now heh heh ;)Raining isn't very nice and an umbrella doesn't help in a heavy rain :(
Ok I miss P alot! School reopen then I can get to see you k not very nice :S K, there's CCA tomorrow also :( Not very nice hur, cheebeh I don't like it do you >:( Many reasons to frown today pluz I'm supposed to see a rainbow cos it rained heavily just now but there's no sun now so boohoo there's not gonna be any rainbow for me today. One reason to smiley smile smile cos there's gonna be cheeeeeken for dinner tonight yipee yai :) Oh I forgot that I haven't studied today so tata people. Dang humanities, there's so M-U-C-H work to do.
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