Q: Oh and do you listen to hardcore? You seem a little like you do.
A: Hardcore?? LOL metal you mean? Nope :)
Q: Hi I didn't know you had a Formspring account too! Okay to make this a question... What do you look for in a life partner?
A: Yes!!!! I had it for quite awhile already. Life partner.... Someone who can really trust me? That's the most important :)
Q: Hey are you attached?
A: Nope :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Forever going on like a broken record, I guess you'll never stop and you'll never be satisfied. One emotion for you: "Lol." I'm like... Is this all that's revolving around your life right now? Learn to be satisfied with certain things that you have, because just so you know some people (like me) don't even have it. K maybe for your case, I'd rather not have it. You are what some people call it - an insecured mess. For your own sake, stop grudging.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Omg.......... :'(
Reblog if you love anyone this much.
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Boy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary.
Boy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Now slow down!
Boy: Now give me a hug.
Girl: *gives boy hug*
Boy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down.
Boy: I love you, babe.
Girl: I love you too. Just slow down, PLEASE!
(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure. 2 people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug 1 last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
Reblog if you love anyone this much.
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Boy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary.
Boy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Now slow down!
Boy: Now give me a hug.
Girl: *gives boy hug*
Boy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down.
Boy: I love you, babe.
Girl: I love you too. Just slow down, PLEASE!
(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure. 2 people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug 1 last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Q: Hey what is the title of the lyrics train is coming train is coming song that you're listening? :)A: LOL ITS NOT A SONG! It's a notification that would be played in certain train stations to tell you that the mrt is coming :) I think errr Dhoby Ghaut/outram park have!
(A reply to a very cute reader hahahaha!)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Say hello to subway cookie which reminded me of my malu-of-the-day yesterday :(
Charlie St. Cloud seems nice! A must-catch movie~ Anyway what I'm trying to point out is, I wonder which kiasu person in my family took so many tissue papers!!!!
Yesterday night's supper excluding those zac efron stuffs. No life no life no life. Oh yeah am gonna have a mini class gathering after work on Wednesday! Haven't seen my t1b4 people together for awhile ever since our last sentosa trip. Anyway the sun has been letting us down recently boohoohoo.
My dreams are way much better than my reality. Like yesterday's though it was unfinished :'-) So what now............ Was having my round of duty at the main entrance today when I heard Miley's When I look at you. I think it's a soundtrack from the last song or something?? Felt so nostalgic all of a sudden even though I was doing the sucky greeting routine. Oh I wanna move to Topman. Lesser pairs of eyes staring at your actions = less stressful environment to work in. OMG ADDY/TEA MUAH SAVERS, PLZ TRANSFER AKU HAHAHA!!!!!!
Happy/active songs are just wrong to be played in the late hours of the night don't cha think so? K GIMME A NAIZE DREAM LATER THXXX GDNIGHT.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Boy: Is your name Google??
Girl: NO!!!! WHY?!?!
Boy: Because you got everything that I'm searching for~
Awwh sweet muchie much. Cheezzie until hit rooftop!
Just came home after lepak session with the Topshop people. Knew a few more nice people who already left the shop. WARDAH TOLD ME I GOT THE GUZHENG FACE WTF OMG :-( After I started working, I can't feel which day is which and I have the tendency to ask people what day is it. Hmmm I think its really interesting how some customers think that I'm a malay at first, but are then surprised after I start speaking cheena to them! :-D Yesterday I was serving a pleasant customer and her daughter which rlly remind me of the past. Owell~
"In the end, we only regret chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we took too long to make."
Knn fucking hate myself after coming across this chunk of words. Time for work soon. I realize I make myself work alot at Topshop not only to earn alot alot alot alot of money, but more of forgetting certain things. Love work, except for the make-up and housekeeping part!!!! I don't even wipe my mirrors at home~~~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The difference between us when we were 7 and now, 17.
It’s amazing because when you’re a kid, you see the life you want and it never crosses your mind that it isn’t gonna turn out that way. Like how I wanted to be a teacher then a doctor when I was a kid? When I grew up, I realise I needed to take triple science and maybe get into college to be doctor. And the teacher part? I think I'd confuse my students even further.
Never knew it'll be that difficult.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Like we used to.
Does he watch your favourite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to Purple Rain?
Does he do all these things like I used to?
Dad introduced me this. I. CAN'T. BELIEVE. IT. Hahaha anyway. 5 days in topshop was all well, time to update my blog about it! Wasn't THAT tough a job that dad described to me initially. Thanks for all helpful colleagues~ And my friends from all around that drop by to visit me :-)
Wakeup > Work > Sleep. This fucking cycle goes on man. I don't know what to say but I'll say it anyway.
Does he watch your favourite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts
When you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to Purple Rain?
Does he do all these things like I used to?
Dad introduced me this. I. CAN'T. BELIEVE. IT. Hahaha anyway. 5 days in topshop was all well, time to update my blog about it! Wasn't THAT tough a job that dad described to me initially. Thanks for all helpful colleagues~ And my friends from all around that drop by to visit me :-)
Wakeup > Work > Sleep. This fucking cycle goes on man. I don't know what to say but I'll say it anyway.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Sunday, September 05, 2010
This is the church sista~
Wanted to steal those two but haiyo I was taking the train home yknow :/
My favvv jam ^^
All the food is making me hungaaaareh.. No supper for tonight :(
Study date was all good! But Samantha being a very religious person, fears that God will punish her for skipping church.... HAHAHAHA! Looking at all da good stuffz up there makes my tummy toss and turn~ Spare me the agony dear stomach!
This coming week is full of plans. Tuesday for instance, interview with venetia then xlb date with yuinping!! After that.... WORK!!!! Here comes the $$$ for nice food + pretty clothes + superb bonding with Venetia and Ivan~
Lastly something sweeeeeeet:
Lastly something sweeeeeeet:
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Friday, September 03, 2010
The mechanics paper today was my biggest downfall for the week man. Working on eltech now while chatting with Shaun about that stupid paper yucks!!! Mourn for me if I have to retake that module okay.
I haven't been running lately.... NEED. TO. RUN. BADLY. AFTER. THE. EXAMS. Anyway I've found myself a job!!! In need of lots of cash for lots of cool stuffs. At Topmen thanks alot to Ivan together with Venetia. Hope it's gonna be a smooth interview heheee. Come find me ok ^.^~
50 irritating things to do in the cinema
(lengthy but freaking funny)
1. Try to start a wave
2. Gasp every time there is a swear word.
3. Wear a huge Afro wig.
4. Every 15 minutes stand up and then sit back down.
5. Yell out to the screen “Don’t Do It!”
6. If there is a love scene, reach over in front of you and cover a random person’s eyes.
7. Stand in front of the screen motionless and face the audience the entire movie.
8. Scalp tickets outside the theater.
9. If a catchy song plays in the movie stand up and dance.
10. Bring an attachable seat-belt. Strap it to your seat and then clip it on yourself. Turn to the person next to you and say, “you never know”.
11. Talk really loud on your cell phone.
12. Demand that somebody puts the volume up.
13. Sit at the back, raise your arms to the projector and make shadow puppets on the screen.
14. Bring a laser pen and shoot it at the screen.
15. Wear 3D glasses…no matter what the movie is.
16. Every time something crazy happens, turn to a random person and say, “did you see that?!”
17. Sit criss cross on the floor in the very front of the theater and look up at the screen.
18. Stand in the front corner facing the audience and do sign language translations.
19. Do the same thing stated above (#18) except translate the movie into Spanish for the audience.
20. As people enter the theater, make nametags for them.
21. After the movie go back to the ticket counter and demand a refund because the movie was terrible. Whether or not they give you a refund, buy another ticket for the same movie at a later showing.
22. Half way through the movie run down to the screen, touch it, and then run back to your seat
yelling, “I touched the screen! I touched the screen!”
23. Repeat the lines in the movie.
24. Accuse the person behind you of kicking your seat. Constantly demand that they stop even though they aren’t really kicking your seat.
25. Tape “reserved” signs on every single seat before the movie starts.
26. Get a large group of people and act out a wedding scene. (As if a couple were getting married in the theater) Make sure everyone is in costume, and that there is a bride, groom, priest, bridesmaids, best man, etc. Use the theater aisle as if it were a Church aisle and have a bride walk down to meet the groom standing at the front. Act out the entire scene as if they actually were getting married.
27. Sneak in chickens (find a way) then let them run around freely during the movie.
28. Laugh extremely loud at a line that wasn’t meant to be funny.
29. Wear a white sheet over yourself and cut holes for eyes (like a ghost) then creepily walk around with your arms out chanting “OOOoooOOOOO I am the ghost of the theater! ooooOOOOOooooOOOO!”
30. Ask the person who sells you the ticket to give you his/her autograph
31. Ask for a discount because you are single and entering alone
32. Wear sunglasses and a white cane and ask them how a blind person would be accommodated. 33. Bargain with the ticket price
34. Turn around to the person behind you and say, “Excuse me, can you please kick my seat? Thanks.” Once they start kicking your seat yell “HARDER! HARDER!”
35. Every so often, do an awkward moan.
36. Get the entire theater to sing happy birthday to a random person.
37. Every 10 minutes pretend something has impacted your life. Put your hand on your chest. Gasp, and as you nod your head look at the person next to you and say ”mmmmmmm!”
38. Stare at a random person next to you the entire time.
39. When buying your ticket, ask to pay half the price because you will be leaving half way through the movie.
40. Half way through the movie stand up and yell “DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!?”and then run off.
41. Ask a random person next to you to explain the movie because you don’t get it.
42. Ask a random person to go buy you popcorn because you don’t want to miss the movie.
43. Before the movie starts get everyone to bow their heads as you lead them in prayer. Pray for the movie. While praying, extend your hands towards the screen.
44. Stand up in the middle of the movie and start a head count.
45. Run up and down the aisles making rocket ship noises
46. Eat the popcorn from a random person sitting next to you.
47. Yell out loud demanding that they pause the movie because you need to use the bathroom.
48. When something is really funny, don’t laugh, instead point at the screen and scream: “L-O-L L-O-L L-O-L!!!!”
49. Blow your nose into a tissue and then show the contents of the tissue to a random person sitting next to you saying, “Look what I did!”
50. As the credits roll and people start to leave yell, “No! Everyone! Don’t Go! There is Something After the Credits!” After the credits roll and there is nothing say “Just Kidding!” Then run out giggling.
via: arvinisatallmonster
(lengthy but freaking funny)
1. Try to start a wave
2. Gasp every time there is a swear word.
3. Wear a huge Afro wig.
4. Every 15 minutes stand up and then sit back down.
5. Yell out to the screen “Don’t Do It!”
6. If there is a love scene, reach over in front of you and cover a random person’s eyes.
7. Stand in front of the screen motionless and face the audience the entire movie.
8. Scalp tickets outside the theater.
9. If a catchy song plays in the movie stand up and dance.
10. Bring an attachable seat-belt. Strap it to your seat and then clip it on yourself. Turn to the person next to you and say, “you never know”.
11. Talk really loud on your cell phone.
12. Demand that somebody puts the volume up.
13. Sit at the back, raise your arms to the projector and make shadow puppets on the screen.
14. Bring a laser pen and shoot it at the screen.
15. Wear 3D glasses…no matter what the movie is.
16. Every time something crazy happens, turn to a random person and say, “did you see that?!”
17. Sit criss cross on the floor in the very front of the theater and look up at the screen.
18. Stand in the front corner facing the audience and do sign language translations.
19. Do the same thing stated above (#18) except translate the movie into Spanish for the audience.
20. As people enter the theater, make nametags for them.
21. After the movie go back to the ticket counter and demand a refund because the movie was terrible. Whether or not they give you a refund, buy another ticket for the same movie at a later showing.
22. Half way through the movie run down to the screen, touch it, and then run back to your seat
yelling, “I touched the screen! I touched the screen!”
23. Repeat the lines in the movie.
24. Accuse the person behind you of kicking your seat. Constantly demand that they stop even though they aren’t really kicking your seat.
25. Tape “reserved” signs on every single seat before the movie starts.
26. Get a large group of people and act out a wedding scene. (As if a couple were getting married in the theater) Make sure everyone is in costume, and that there is a bride, groom, priest, bridesmaids, best man, etc. Use the theater aisle as if it were a Church aisle and have a bride walk down to meet the groom standing at the front. Act out the entire scene as if they actually were getting married.
27. Sneak in chickens (find a way) then let them run around freely during the movie.
28. Laugh extremely loud at a line that wasn’t meant to be funny.
29. Wear a white sheet over yourself and cut holes for eyes (like a ghost) then creepily walk around with your arms out chanting “OOOoooOOOOO I am the ghost of the theater! ooooOOOOOooooOOOO!”
30. Ask the person who sells you the ticket to give you his/her autograph
31. Ask for a discount because you are single and entering alone
32. Wear sunglasses and a white cane and ask them how a blind person would be accommodated. 33. Bargain with the ticket price
34. Turn around to the person behind you and say, “Excuse me, can you please kick my seat? Thanks.” Once they start kicking your seat yell “HARDER! HARDER!”
35. Every so often, do an awkward moan.
36. Get the entire theater to sing happy birthday to a random person.
37. Every 10 minutes pretend something has impacted your life. Put your hand on your chest. Gasp, and as you nod your head look at the person next to you and say ”mmmmmmm!”
38. Stare at a random person next to you the entire time.
39. When buying your ticket, ask to pay half the price because you will be leaving half way through the movie.
40. Half way through the movie stand up and yell “DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!?”and then run off.
41. Ask a random person next to you to explain the movie because you don’t get it.
42. Ask a random person to go buy you popcorn because you don’t want to miss the movie.
43. Before the movie starts get everyone to bow their heads as you lead them in prayer. Pray for the movie. While praying, extend your hands towards the screen.
44. Stand up in the middle of the movie and start a head count.
45. Run up and down the aisles making rocket ship noises
46. Eat the popcorn from a random person sitting next to you.
47. Yell out loud demanding that they pause the movie because you need to use the bathroom.
48. When something is really funny, don’t laugh, instead point at the screen and scream: “L-O-L L-O-L L-O-L!!!!”
49. Blow your nose into a tissue and then show the contents of the tissue to a random person sitting next to you saying, “Look what I did!”
50. As the credits roll and people start to leave yell, “No! Everyone! Don’t Go! There is Something After the Credits!” After the credits roll and there is nothing say “Just Kidding!” Then run out giggling.
via: arvinisatallmonster
Thursday, September 02, 2010
1st January: "From tomorrow onwards, I promise that life's gonna be GREAT. Haha life's good life's good, I can see my bright 2010 ahead of me ^^"
Today, 3rd September: Look what happened to good life and the bright 2010 ahead. Just another broken new year resolution I guess.. How my life changed in nine months? Drastically. So much for a happy start.
Today, 3rd September: Look what happened to good life and the bright 2010 ahead. Just another broken new year resolution I guess.. How my life changed in nine months? Drastically. So much for a happy start.
You may say I'm a dreamer

So I just wanna thank you for all you have done
Gave me strength when I had none at all
Gave me hope when I was running low
Showed me how to make it through and
For everything you know I thank you
You believed when I'd no reason to
You were there when I needed you
I just wanna thank you.

Kudos for me to turn up early for the Math paper today!!! It's my first and the paper was okeh dokeh~ I'm still in the midst of the disastrous mechanics. The kaninabuchaocheebye subject and the lecturer...... Thank goodness it starts at 230pm tmrw. Burning the midnight oil tonight please prove me productive :'(
Am gonna be hardworking by cleaning my hamster's cage and bathing buibui. Sorreh again for stinking you for months!!! Gonna start being hardworking this upcoming holidays: Someday board the purple line and visit Venetia + gigi at serangoon and maybe find myself a job! Whshxn :(
So I just wanna thank you for all you have done
Gave me strength when I had none at all
Gave me hope when I was running low
Showed me how to make it through and
For everything you know I thank you
You believed when I'd no reason to
You were there when I needed you
I just wanna thank you.
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