So I woke up at freaking hell 7am today and managed to meet Shaun & co. at 8am. We toured the whole Dunearn to search for our teachers like tourists touring around Singapore heheee. IM SO HAPPY TO SEE ALL MY DUNEARN TEACHERS AGAIN. They are sooo nice and caring unlike my poly lecturers.. Some don't even know my name and always call me "girl".
Today was epic because most of us turned up in uniform, confusing alot of the teachers! We went back to our old class and it was a very nostalgic processsssss. Looking back at what we destroyed & vandalised, aww the good old times. However, the setting of the new 4Jade is quite different now. They even have this TAEYEON SHRINE like wtf hahaahahahhaa! Shaun even found this guardian cotton brief for men wts!!! Qixiang has a pillow in class shiok shiok shiok~ OH OH OH OH I think esther is damn handsome now. I mistook her as a guy at first and thought to myself "Why haven't I seen him around in school before?" HAHAHA.
After all that great catch-up in Dunearn, we went to Enonne's homie to playyyyy while we wait for julydia to finish her exams! Went to bpp to have our fav food joint xinwang + yami~ Bought myself a new toy stitch whee hehe hen happy hen happy! JIAQI JUST SAID THAT I LOOK LIKE AN ITE STUDENT IN MY SCHOOL UNIFORM.......
Feels so darn good to see my old friends <3