What's been happening to me this week?
Common tests - Electrical technology, engineering math 1 and engineering mechanics. Ok I really want to update this space a little but my mind's not working well these few weeks. Hmm which will also result in low marks for CT. That's for the academic part. I've been travelling alot to Lot 1 and yewtee for lunch with my west-siders friends this week.
Holidays are here. My very first break after poly started in April. It's 2 weeks long but I've to bear in mind that I've got that very lame cultural intelligence project to complete. Hopefully everything can be done by the first week of my holidays. Be happy about it people, don't be like me. My life is... pretty fucked up now. It's KARMA I guess. Since npsu ended, hersheys have been talking about what kind of karma they had. Like dropping of laptops if I remembered correctly. But I think I got the worse karma, and getting back at me all at one shot. I don't even have the mood to watch the world cup.
Okay goodbye there's church tomorrow.