Breathtaking thing, right at my window!

Meet the guy who discovered Current, Mr Ampere!
And his new green hairrrrrrrrr :D
P says its nonsense :S

Meet Poo-pee, my cute lil toy dog!
Got owned by both my amaths & physics papers today.
Amaths today was easier as compared to paper 2.
Well at least.. I COULD DO MATRIX & BINOMIAL! (:
Physics was a shit! Hybrid cars and thermal energy were killers.
Atrocious paper, yes? HAHAHA.
Lunchie with Pinhui and Serena at Ajisen's, yumyum.
Miss P v v v v v v v v much, not a teenie weenie bit but ALOT!
Lets go out after the exams next week, pretty please :D
Watched discovery channel after dinner, interesting ^^
My dad's watching animal planet, noisy chantings.
Today's Friday!
I shall take a breather from exams for the weekends.
Well not really.. I STILL GOT SO MUCH TO STUDY.
Pluz I've not covered any bits of my biology.
Pluz I've got to study well for my physics paper 1 to cover up for the mess today.
(Well not much to cover up but still..)
Pluz bloody POA bloody difficult bloody should have studied harder last year.
My fundamentals are not right at all.
Pluz practise my emaths.
Hurhurhur, take my breath away!
Time to call P.
He loves to sleep.
He can sleep for a long time.
Sleeping beauty!
Oh no I'm gonna die if he sees this, but who cares :x